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FAQs & Tips

How is Flavoured Coffee Made?

How is Flavoured Coffee Made?

And why does it often taste bad?

How flavoured coffee is made, and why some coffees are just more flavourful than others.



Ethiopia - 5 Facts You Should Know!

You may know that I love to travel even more than I love coffee - and that’s a lot! And I’ve been very fortunate to have travelled, worked and lived all around the world. In all my travels, one of the most special places I visited - and the place with the best coffee by far - was Ethiopia.

Here are some quick facts about Ethiopia to ponder while you enjoy a cup of fresh brewed coffee.

Keep it clean. (Your coffee machine)

Keep it clean. (Your coffee machine)

FACT: A clean machine gives you better tasting coffee

Whether your automatic coffee maker is in a home kitchen or a work kitchen or a work from home kitchen, here are the steps for a deep clean that will keep your coffee tasting great!

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - which is better?

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - which is better?

Common Questions Answered & A Buyer-Beware Tip

While there are some wonderful single origins out there, we here at Sparkplug aren’t afraid to get controversial by saying, in a debate between single origin coffee vs blends, we’re pro blend. Every time.

Mexican Cafe de Olla Recipe

Mexican Cafe de Olla Recipe

The Mexican coffee recipe you need to try.

The Sparkplug Coffee Cafe De Olla recipe - now UPDATED with an Iced (Cold Brew) Mexican Spiced Coffee version.

3 Easy Tips for Eco-friendly Coffee

3 Easy Tips for Eco-friendly Coffee

3 Easy Tips for Eco-friendly Coffee

Small tweaks to your habits can make a BIG impact!

Here are 3 easy ways to make your coffee drinking eco-friendly.

Organic Coffee: Just the facts

Organic Coffee: Just the facts

Worried about what's REALLY in your coffee? Have no fear! Sparkplug Coffee is here with the facts to set things straight about organic.