Team Sparkplug is happy to support the

Centre for Mindfulness Studies’ annual “meditate-athon” fundraiser!

Mental health issues and the pandemic must be met by caring for ourselves, by connecting with others in meaningful ways, and supporting and building communities of well-being.

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is fundraising to bring mindfulness to those most in need in our communities who live with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.

Take part in a set of 10, hour-long VIRTUAL mindfulness practices over four weeks, encompassing the themes of Care, Connection and Community in support of 10 years of the Centre for Mindfulness Studies Community Program.

This virtual event begins February 21st and runs until March 21st.

Why not commit to taking a breather for yourself AND support community members in need?!

Learn more & register at:

#mindfulness #mindfulnessformentalhealth #mindfulnesschallenge #mindfulnessstudies