Nite Owl gets its earthiness from Papua New Guinea, smoothness from Guatemala, richness from Brazil and its bold smokiness from the way we roast it on the darker side. Perfect for night owls AND early birds!

PLAYLIST: Rhythms on the Off Beat

PLAYLIST: Rhythms on the Off Beat

Our scooter pal, DJ BOSS CHOPS, made this boss ska & reggae playlist for Sparkplug. Coffee is Shane’s jolt juice, neuronal kick start in the morning!! Catch DJ Boss Chops spinning at Ram Jam in Hamilton or Knockout! in Toronto.

Listen on Spotify

LIMITED EDITION: Cozy Pines will warm you from the inside!

LIMITED EDITION: Cozy Pines will warm you from the inside!

Cozy Pines: A Latin American winter warmer

Medium roast (some would say medium-dark). Caramel and sweet spice notes, with hints of vanilla and cinnamon - best brewed strong and served with a dollop of frothed milk. YUM!

PLAYLIST: Feelin' Good by Rick Lane

PLAYLIST: Feelin' Good by Rick Lane

This mix will make you feel good - I dare say, even great! Taking you from the 1960s to this century it’ll get you dancing, skanking, thrashing, discoing, and tapping your feet. Maybe even singing along (out loud or in your head, whatever you’re comfortable with).

Listen on Spotify

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - which is better?

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - which is better?

Common Questions Answered & A Buyer-Beware Tip

While there are some wonderful single origins out there, we here at Sparkplug aren’t afraid to get controversial by saying, in a debate between single origin coffee vs blends, we’re pro blend. Every time.

PLAYLIST: The Drive Mix by DJ Chopmonkey

PLAYLIST: The Drive Mix by DJ Chopmonkey

DJ Chopmonkey - aka Steve Abrams - says each of these songs evokes a memory from a different period in his life.

some of tunes that have really grabbed me over the years within genres like New Wave, Britpop, Soul and Power Pop”