Love & Rockets seasonal coffee

a tribute to Kara’s favourite comic book

A medium-dark roast Colombian & Mexican blend.

A medium-dark roast Colombian & Mexican blend.

This seasonal coffee is a tribute to the comic book Love & Rockets, which I’ve been reading and collecting since the 80s.

If you’re familiar with the comic book, you’ll understand why we chose a Mexican and a South American bean for this blend. Mexican to reflect Maggie, the main character from Jaime Hernandez’ stories plus South American for Beto Hernandez’ Palomar stories.

Our Love & Rockets is a medium-dark roast blend that is smoky, rich and a bit nutty. (No worries! There are no nuts in our coffees - or anything except beautiful coffee beans.)



I’ve been reading Love & Rockets since its early days when Maggie was still a prosolar mechanic and Beto’s stories were based in the mythical South American land of Palomar. My love for this comic has grown over the years, maybe because the characters were aging and growing along with me. I hope you enjoy this tribute to Los Hernandez Bros work as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it!


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