The Top 100 Project Playlist

A playlist of movie soundtrack music curated by film lovers and podcasters, Ryan and Bev.

Bev and Ryan have been podcasting movie critiques once a week since 2014. Now called HAVE YOU EVER SEEN, their podcast began as the TOP 100 PROJECT PODCAST.

Once they’d analyzed all films on both AFI top 100 lists, in chronological order, they went on to examine many more films.

Here is the Top 100 Project’s Coffee Playlist - a selection of songs from movie soundtracks.

Enjoy your trip down memory lane! Let me know if these tunes inspire you to rewatch any of these films - or to watch them for the first time!

(Click the links above or find the playlist on Spotify under Sparkplug Coffee’s playlists)

Can you identify all the movies these songs come from?

Some are obvious (Blue Velvet) and others, less so. As much as possible, Bev and Ryan included songs from the movie soundtracks so you don’t have to Google which film they’re from.

It’s an eclectic mix of songs and movie genres going back to the 1930s and 1940s (Wizard of Oz, Casablanca) right through to this century (Kill Bill, Slumdog Millionaire).

What coffee to drink with your tunes?

Bev is a major coffee lover and her favourite Sparkplug Coffee is Road Trip, though she also loves trying something new with the seasonal coffees.

I highly recommend listening to the ELLISES’ podcast episodes, too, available from any podcast player including Spotify. In 2023, Ryan and Bev renamed the podcast to HAVE YOU EVER SEEN. Click the button below to learn more about the podcast, and how to listen in:

Warning: podcast includes many spoilers, some coarse language.

Watch for: entertaining coffee sponsorship announcements in the style of the film being reviewed.