HAPPY CAMPER seasonal coffee

organic FairTrade beans from Mexico deliver a spicy & complex brew

You’ll be a HAPPY CAMPER as soon as you get a taste of our limited edition, seasonal coffee.

HAPPY CAMPER gets its spiciness and complexity from a medium roast organic FairTrade coffee from Chiapas, Mexico, near the Guatemalan border. We add in a dash of directly traded, medium roast Colombian coffee to give it a bit more complexity and richness.

It is naturally sweet without a hint of bitterness. We get a bit of brown sugar (or is that dulce de leche?) as we swirl the coffee around our mouth and gulp it down.

Add a pinch of cinnamon to your brew and you’ll be magically transported to a cafe on a plaza in the south of Mexico.


HAPPY CAMPER is a versatile coffee that is well suited to most coffee makers.

Enjoy it as a filter coffee - pour over, Chemex, automatic drip coffeemaker - or pop some into your French press, AeroPress, espresso maker, Bialetti, or go old school with a percolator. I’m brewing up a batch of cold brew coffee with it today - delish!

Let us know how you make it and how you like it. But be quick! Like all our seasonal coffees, HAPPY CAMPER is only in season for a short time.

Don't miss out on this delicious coffee! Get HAPPY CAMPER while it is in season!   

Cafe de Olla

Memories of Mexico! Here’s a link to my recipe for Cafe de Olla- a cinnamon sweet Mexican coffee treat.

My recipe is not as sweet as what you’ll be served in Mexico but still very authentic tasting. And, of course, you can amp up the sugar to suit your taste. Enjoy!

Hear about our next seasonal coffee and other coffee news: